Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Prayers by Kasen 1.26.15

Dear God,
Thank you for Daddy coming home. (As in 'from work', I'm guessing.)
Thank you for Mama putting bum cream on me. (Not sure about this one - he hasn't had the need for 'bum cream' in awhile.)
Thank you for the Seahawks. (Go Hawks!)
Thank you for Russell Wilson going to bed. (SB QB's have bed times too.)
Thank you for Bam Bam Kam going to bed.  (He must have a bed time after he gets done damaging souls.)
Thank you for Uncle Shane picking me up from school. (That one time 4 days ago he picked him up from daycare.)
In Your name we pray, Amen.

#KasenSpam #TheWayATwoYearOldPrays

Mrs. Kosko

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